An account of several late voyages and discoveries
z 1 o A S1,ppleme11t to ing out his Feet forward into , the hollow of the Boat ; he ftops up thc Hole fo dofe with l1is Frock, or Joofe uppcr Garmenr, that no Water can entcr, though it werc in thc bottom of the ~ea. His Fr<?ck is ftrait tycd at the Hand-wnfts, and to h1s Neck, and bis Capouch fowcd alfo clofe to it; .fo that if thc Boat be ov~rturned or overwhelmcd in th1.: Sea, he rifes again without any wet c:ithcr upon his Skin or in his Boat. They havc but one Oar, which is about fix toot long, witb a Paddle fix Inchcs broad at either cnd; this forvcs him both to ballance his lloat and move it; which he doth with that in– crcdible fcelerity, that one of our Boats with ten Oars is not ablt; to kecp company with them: The Danifb rclation faith, that they rowed fo f wifc, that thcy evcn dazled che E yes of thc Spcélators; and tho' they crofft:d frequemly, yet ncver incerfercd or hit one a– nother. Thcir Fifhing ordinarily is darcing, thcir Darts are leng, flrongly barbed, and at thc othcr end have llladdcrs fiftcn'd to chcm, that when chey have flruck a Fifh, he may fpcnd himf~lf with ftruggling to gct. l!ndcr Water, wluch yct he canuot do, and fo ,s Cl· lily takcn. Befides thefc, thcy ha ve grcater UOéHS for thc removing ~hcir Tenes and ocher Uccn· fils, as alfo to carry thcir Fifh they ha ve caughc ... to
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