An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to tbe Nortl,-Eafl P'oyagts. ·11 9 fceing on·e dad in their own Livery ·; beficJcs that thefe kind of Furs are not fo apt to be wet, though dipp'd in.- Water. They wear ti}( ::_lair ficle outwar<t · in Summer, inward in w inter, and in grcat Colds carry two or more S\lits one upon another. They drefs their Skins very wdl, making them dry, foft. and" durable, and fow them alfo very frrong with Sinews of Bc:ifts, and Nccdles made of Fifh-bones, But in nothing do they fliew fo much Art as in their Boats or Canoes. They are made of that we call \V halchone, ahout an inch thick an<l broad, and thde not fet Jike Ribs, but all along from Prow to Poop, faH: fowed to one anothcr with frrong Sincws, ami co– ver'd over with Seals-skin. They are from ten to twenty Fooc long, ancl a.bout two Foot broad, made like a Wcaver's Shuctle, fharp at both cnds, fo thac he can row ci– rher ,vay ; and in making chis pointectnefs they are of all things mofr curious., for thcre– in coníifts the ft ·ength of their Veffd. In thc middle of it are che Ribs, both to keep the fides afundcr, and to make the Holc in thc co,·ering, w hcrcin the Rower fits. They h~vc a Deck madc of che fame Matcrials, which is clofdy fa fkn'd to thc fides, in che mi d ít whcn·of is a round Hale, as big as thQ middtc of a Man ; fo that w_h~n he goes !O si.:~ ' he fots himfclf in that Hole, 1lret~h- <, mg
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