An account of several late voyages and discoveries

2. a 8 '.A Supplemrnt to fr?m ~he Hill. The e~trance and fome part ot tben· Houfc ftands w1rhout the Cave,\\; hich thcy Frame ve1·y. h_~dfomely aod .c"!mmodi~ ouíly of che .R1bs·~i~f Whales Join>d ar. tificially at the top...nd cover'd with Seals– skins. They raife alfo one part of thcir Floor highcr than anocher, which they ftrow with Mofs to fleep upon. But in thcir Fiílling-time they have Tents, which thcy rcmovc from Place to Place in their largcr Boats. They fet up four Poles and covcr them with Skins, which fcrves very wdl in Summer ; w hen fifhing is done they return with them to thcir Hautes. Thcir manncr of bartering is co make two heaps, one of fuch things as they dcfire~ thc otber of whai: they would p~rt with ; and they ceafo not to take away from the · one or othcr till the Trade is ballanccd. The chief~fr things .of ours which thcy valued, were Knives, Necdles, littlc pieces of lron, Looking– glaffcs, &,. far thfíc thcy would foil their Bows and Arrows, their Boars, and fl:rip themfclves of thcir Clothes, but nevcr, likc fome other Barbarians, fcll their Wivcs ami Children. Their Clothing is cichcr of Birds-skins, with the Fcathers and Down upon rhcm, or Seais, Dog-fifh, o~ the likc. Scals thcy ufe moil in thcir Fifhing, becaufo that F1íl1 thtre abounds, and are cafily dcccive~ _by 1<.:Clll~