An account of several late voyages and discoveries
the Nortb-Eaft Poyages. 117 gion, fuch as it is, feems t'.l be unto the Sun ; for when our People invited them to Con– verfation, Bartering, &,. they hcld up their Hands towards thc Sun and cricd 'lota11 ; nor woulcl they come near us till our Men had done the like. But John Jl,'J111u4. and divcrs others, having gone farthcr into the Country, found lmages, foch as we make of Devils, with Horns. Bcaks, Cla ws, doven Feet, &c. ver y ill made ; Altars alfo, and quantitics of Bones of fü::afts, as of Deer, Foxes, Dogs and thc ]ike, ncar unto tlu:m. T11cy feem alfo, as ali ldolatars, g1ven to Enchantments and Sorcc– ries. Our Men have fccn thcm lying flat upon the Earth, and muttering thcir Pray.. ers or Charms imo the Ground, worfhip– ping thc DcviJ, whofc proper Habitation chey conccive to be undcr thcm. In fome Diieafes they tye a fück to:. a great Sconc, to which they pay their Devotions, and if they can lite it up cafily and lightly, they think their Prayers are heard and Recovery grantcd. In Winter they retire from che Sea fide to thc warmel' Valleys, whcre they havc thc;r Houtcs and Towns, which are commonly Ca\'cs at che foot of_ an Hill, round like an Oven, dofe to one another, and Paífages in thc.:: inncr Pans from one to anothcr; their Doors, which are low ami round, open to ~he South; and thcy dig Treoches alfo. to draw away thc ,vatcr that falls 01· d1:ams trom
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