An account of several late voyages and discoveries

·2.1 cS '.A Suppleme11t tfJ Meo. they will throw themfelves down the Rocks and Mountains. Extreamly thievifü, trcacherous, and revcngeful they proved ; nor could any kindnefs or fair--dealing win them ; but as true Barbarians, ncver omit– ted any Opportunity of fulfilling their Dc– fircs; they would fie·1l when they faw the Mariners Iook upon them. Aftcr they had been well ufed and treatcd at thcir Tables, they wou Id íhoot at, íling Stones, wound and ,kill our Men, if they could. Yet are thcy apprehenfive cnougfl, and qukkly conccive yours, and exprefs their own meaning. lf they had not feen what was asked thcm, thcy winked, or covered their Eyes ; if thcy un· derílood not, fiopt their Ears, and the like. They ~elight exceedingly in Mu{kk, to .\'hich they would kecp time both with thcir Voicc, Hands and Feet-; wondcrful alfo affcB:ionate one to another, and ro thcir Coumry. ln one Voyage there went a D4n~fb Marincr. with black Hair, flat Nos'd, an ·1 other, tho' not very exaa refemblances of a Gronetandff; as foon as they faw him, they carne about him, kiífed him, hung upon him, and íl1cwcd to bim ali poffible demonfirations of Kind– ncfs and Affell:ion. And thofe whó wcre in Denm"'rk ncvcr enjoy"<l themfelvcs, nor had a– ny conrent, but continually pincd away, :in~ Janguiíh'd wirh Difcontent for their Condiu– '?~, and love of thcir C~untry. Thcir Rch- . . . g:on