An account of several late voyages and discoveries

tl,e Nortb-Eafl Yoyagts, .. 11 J and brought with him, diffcrcd much from thofc with wbom Goási, Li11átnAw bad tó do: That part which thc Norwegians are faid to have anciently poffeffed, was an. inconfidcra– ble part ofthat wholcCountry,and they found fcveral Nations there befides tbemfclves, .go– vern'd by feveral Kings; tho' they write not that they had Wus onc with another, but only againft them. Our late Diicovcrers in 66 deg. 50 min. found a CountrY: which the Natives (as thcy could underfrand thl!m) callcd Se,a111111ga, who alfo faid, that thcy had a grcat King, carrried on Me.ns Shoul• ders, and they callcd him CMhi,o. Ilut more Particulars than thcfe, I find not. Thc Inhabitants are gcnerally of a low Statme, black Hair, Hat nos'll, broad fac'd, Lips turn'd up, and ot a ripe bl~ve colour, fome of them alío quite black. Their \Vo– mt?n (for their greacer Ornament doubtlcfs) ftai n thcir Faces in bluc, ami ,fomctime in black Strcaks, which colour they Jet into thc Skin, by pricking it with a fharp Bonc, that it will never be takeo or worn out. In ali things they refcmble the Samoieds and La/J– ia»de--s. Thcy are very aél:ivc and ftrong,yet couJd fome of our Englifo run fwifcer, andl.eap farther than any of them , bue they were hard enough far any of ours at wrefr!ing. TJ1ey alfo are very courageous,and fom.etimes defperatc ; for rather than be takcn by our p 4 .Mcn,