An account of several late voyages and discoveries

the Strrig~ts of M~gdlan. 7. 11 im ,tlircc ; fq did thc Reer. Admiral, and I .re– turn'd thcCoinplcmcn ... in the likc numbcr;fovcral. of the 1:(ect Jirc<l thrcc, whom I .anfwcr'd in con. clulion w1th thrcc for all. I .rodc 0:1 the broad fidc of rhc A.tlmiral, and fal utcd thc f qrt with fivc Gun~, w·hi(h rcturn'd thrce; thcn I font .my Licu– tcoant aíl10rc to 3Sk leave ot the Governorto wa– rcr ~ \~:hiel) he gmntcd forthwit.h; my Coopcrs go~ thc Ca~k rcady, an<l this f.ycning put onc Doat'~ fading ~board. · Su~á.1y, ir. fair W9:1thcr, the wind at Nor~h ca!l~ a fine galc. This morning Don C11rolus wcnt ~f110r.c to Pry.1m; \rith much ado I got off a 13oats lading of Water, for tite · Portug,ueu lloats were 11lling i:oo::rn<l a great many Soldicrs at thc. watcring pl~ce fi1~tch'd fome of our rpcps Hats off, aad run ::l\.vay; \\ hcreforc 1 would flOt lct my Mcn go nny more this .. l~y fqr fc:ir of quarrclling. Tbis Bay of P_ort Prgya, :\':> ~hey c1l~ it, is no Port huta fine rounp Bay, hayiJ,g high íkep Cliffs on thc Eaft fide,nnd in rhe bottom a ílcep Hd' \\ IH:re tht: Cafile is, that hath but four Guns, n1t..i :~ of no force; thcrc is a frnall Fort on thc top ola ~·r!l on rhc Ea!1 fide, which harh tinca Guns. Oq tL-:! North.wefi p~rt of th~ 13a y t4e fhorc is gra vclly :rn<l fandy,::md therc'~ a Grovc ot Co~o n~t trees: Afrcíh w:tter Rivulet runs down in~o the Valfoy, and thcnce thro' tbe Sand foaks inro the Sea : this Water is in grcat qnantity, 'v~ry good, af"!d kceps wcll ar.Sea : to theWeíl: p~rt Qt th,s B;iy Jie~ a fmall Iíland clofe on the fhore, which has ~rafs on it that ma y be cut off for Cattle, ,y~iir:h I did; fhis Road is no faf eguard for íhipping ; f9r a MaÍl B 4 of \'