An account of several late voyages and discoveries

194 ·,4 S11pplement to monly two at a time) into the Sea, and l1c felf afrer them, fwimming away with thcn in her Arms , ao<l if pro,•oked, after íl1e hatl fecur'd thcm, returning many times to fet up on the Boat, into which if íhc can faftcn I1e. Teeth, füc will eafily fink it. But if thcy ~. farther from the Water, thcy ali rife up to gether, and with thcir weight and force fa! Iing upon the Ice, endcavom· to brakc it ; a thcy did wl1en furprifcd by Jonas Pool i1 1610, where himfelf and divers of his Mei efcapcd drowning very narrowly; onc o them being in the Sea, thc Morffes fet u¡'IIX him with cheir Teeth, but with very i!rt'li labour and hazard of his Company he ctca¡x,: from Dcath, though forc wounded. Frc, qucntly alfo they flee1l on the fllore, and i they havc convenicncc, llpon a high and tle~ Place. They always go in great Compani~ and fet one to keep watch; which if fürprifoi a'1ecp, 'tis an eaíie matter to kili ali thc rcll ! but if he givc warni.Ag by grunting, ti:~ clap their hinder Feet undcr thcir two 1.'usk· and fo roll into thc Sea. Dut if thcy caught on plain Ground, yct thcy a1·e hardl flain, bcing both ftrong and fierce, ami a haftin~ one way to thc \Vatcr. The Dt1t at firil wcre vcry much ' ti·oublcd to ki them, thcir Shot the Hcafi valued not mud their Hatchcts an<l Half .. pikes would n pierce them ; nor <lid tbcy think they <'011 be kilkd, ex~cpt Hruck with grcat force . 11