An account of several late voyages and discoveries

tl,e Nort!J-E rfl Vo_r.~es: r 9 ~ Thc !vforfs, \Valruíll, Hurfo-whale, Rot: marus, or Sca-horfe, (for fo he is by thc An– cients callc::d, though of late tht:y h.we di!i.:over'd anmhcr Fifh not uniikt: him, with fr raic Tccth,wh.ich thcy calla Sca-horfe)luth a ~r<in likc a Sea-cal·~ (with füort and fad yd~ low 1-.ur) a ~'louth lik!.!a Lion ; 1f any, hardJy dili:ernabtc, Ea1 1 s, yct thcy h~ar wcll, and are frightccl wich noifo; (which ~lfo is faid c,f th<.: \V hale, that he.: i:; drivcn away with thc lound of a TrumpctJ largc Ureaft, fhort Thighs, four Fcct, and upan cach Foot five Toes with fhart füarp Nails, with which they– climb che Ice ; anda~ largc as a grcat Ox, ha– viug a gL·eat fomicircular Tusk growing 011 each íidl! of thdr upper Jaw, whic.:h ate verv much valucd, c(pccially by the Northcri1 People, partly for thcir ufos in Medicines, as to makc Cramp-r~ngs, (which chey make alfo of thc Brifücs upan his Chceks) to refüt Poi– fon and othel· malignant Difoafcs, whcrci11 thcy are at leafi cqual to that c.:alrd the Uni– roni"s Horn; but more for their lkauty,whid1 il(:qual ro. ifnott"i.trpa ffi ug, I vory. Thc bea– incfs of it makcs it much fought for ~andles of Swords. Thc.::ir Skins bcing dreí=, !cd, arn thicker than two Ox-hides, yet light, nd cxccHent to makc Targets againH Darc-; 1<l i\rrows af thc Sa v;igcs. Thcy foc~d upon i!h and Hcrbs, and Ocep, if chere be Ice, [>On that; whcrc if furprifcd, Lhc Fem3le J!b her young ones (af whkh (ht: hat!1 com- o rnor.!y