An account of several late voyages and discoveries

6 Sir J ohn Narbrough' s Voyag6 coukl to be goncJor St. ¡",'?." Jílard This dny in thc forenoon, .n fhip paíled by to thc Wefrwar<l '.On thc fouth lidc ofthe lile, 3nd in thc aftcrnoon wc faw ÍC\'cral lhips coming from the North. war<l, which' wcre thc I'ort11,1,utz.t Flcet bound for; thcy h:tllcd into Pnrt Prttya in thc Ifle of St., to \\'atcr: this night I wcighed, and ftoocl away at twclvc a Clock South fouth wcn for J'ort l'ray,1. with thc Pi:ik in company: :; touclút at tl: :. Iílc of fl/,ry for, which I kncw would be a grcat hclp to gct Provií1ons in thc Voyagc. SatJ1r1lc·ry\ Oi:1o'1er 30. fair \\·ind at Norrh eaíl: and by North, a frc{h galc. Ihis Morning l ficercd Somh.wc{1: for thc fouth fidc ot' St. ¡ag,o, wherc is thc Ro:id of Port Prma, lying ncar S(lut/J 1vejl from thc Road ot the Hle of Mc1y , and dillant ninc l .cagues. This <.lay at 11 a Cfock I caft my be11 Bower-anchor in Port Praya Road, in ten fathom rough Ground, the Eail: Po~nt bore Eaíl: of me, and thc \Vcíl: Point nbout \Veft.fouth·wefi:,about h:ilf n mile o~: J co:.,ld not get into thc befi.of the Road , thc Portu1-.uez.e Fleet of about thirty íix ;fail.riding in it: the Great Padre Eternel;Admiral, bound for is a vcry grcat füip, and wcll built ; they fay füc is in burthcn 1700 Tuns; íllc 11ath Ports for.three Ticr of Guns fluílt, but now :fhc had but cighry, ami ¡Joorly 1uanned with Sea· n1en, :md fo werc a11 the rcfi ; fix Frigots might fo1ve taken moíl: of thc 'Flect. At my coming in to Anchor, thc Admira! falutcd me with 7 Guns, I th:rnked him with :is many ; Captain Fra11cis fVi/J:fheir in thc Jer;!(.·ilem, fircd fiye, I returncd ·: · hin1