An account of several late voyages and discoveries
19'l A s,y,¡,iemcnt f!J anct brought away ahout 30 Tun of thc Oar. In 1606. thc famc Ship, with thc farnc Pcr. fons, was tcnt ag.1111, and landc,i :fu/y 1, in 74 deg. 5 s mm. wh..:re thcy llaid. ciU thc lec w :i" all clea rccl ~ for thc Modfo-.. ,vill noc come t•l f11ore t11l thl! kc: ti!.! ¡\1) ,·,.._niíl,•:d, 'wherc, }lt one time in i;x Hm1rs 7 rhcy ·fl,·w becwixt 7 and 800 MorlÍ.:s: aml two !.~rcJ :. i:.c~r'>: thcy tnJd.: 2 2 Tuns ot'Ojl, anct j Hvg'.b.ttd <>fTeerh. In 1608. 'J:me 21. was fo hot c:t,it lhc llH;; [:.\l Pitch ra11 clown thc füks of thcir Ship: in fr:v•·n Hours t ime clll'V llcw a.hove 900 Morífoo;, tnit– k~ng 31 T11a~ oí.'Jyl, ;anti abov<.: 2 Hogf'heads ot Tceth, bcfides 40 mu1 l'. Thcy took aJivc imu their Shíp two you11g NJ.r,rffi:s, a Malc ami F~– ma lc ; thc Fcmalc d iecl, ch,.; ~lale Ji\•ed te11 \V L'cks in Engl~11d, whcrc thcy taught it many things. . In 1610. at another Voyagc with two Ship,-, thcy kilkd man y .l>cars, and fa w ~i vc1~s yt)~:i!:; oncs, no higgcr chan young L:unb~, vcry g<1 mL· fome and Luily; thcv ~:m:iu~r,hc two of thcm !li· to Engluua'. lvhi•::h Fowi a ifo they ílcw, and many S..:!: ; a ncl J,m~ 1 S· !et up an En{ig:1 j¡¡ token of Potfcffion ól thc Hland for thc ,:1u,: CO'l/Í.t Company: ln G:ill-{/lt:nd they fouml t.hrcc Lcad--mincs., and a Coal mine on the :,~.rea fidc et' thl! lffaml. Thrce Ships more t1U~. f'.i:-'!.t to füh ar Chrr,·y.J¡?.w:l : rhcy k1lkJ ~oo \t1!·: ·: :· at eme cimc, at o . h::1· rim·.::s near ~0Q 111')1 ~ .,,;. f.l;an l~ii1ing 40 ,·.'ith hi~ Launcc at one li · 1 > H untí ;1g.
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