An account of several late voyages and discoveries
the Nort1,.E,tjl V(jyax,es. 191 in Lapla11d, May 1. They ftaid in L6pland till 1,dy 1. and 1ufJ 8. thcy camc in fight of Cherry; and they carne to anAnchor on the S0uth•foutn– e;1ft fide, bur, becaufo of the Stream, could not la·Ht; fo that thcy failcd round ahout the Jíle, ar..:1 ::it Jength anchored two Miles from the Sliore. Gomg on Land, onc of thcm with his G,,n killed as many Fowl as almoft laded thcir Bo..\C. Jui] 9. they found on S 11orc nothing bue íl of Foxes; that part of thc Iíland was in H deg. 45 mio. J"ÍJ 10. they weighed Anchor, a11d tlood into another Bay, au1 carne to an . Anchor in cight Fathoms, wherc they faw an incredible number of Morifos fwimming in thc Sea. Coming to fhorc, thcy eípied a vaH Com– pany of them lying on th<: Ground; thcy íbot at them with tlucc: Guns chev -::arricd witb thcm, but with all thei r \\ 7 capons chcy could kili but 1 5 of a bove 1 ooo, rha t la y t here likc Plogs huddling togethcr on he~ rs ; but thcy found as many Teeth as filk:d an Hogíhead. Befare che qth thcy killt:d n<:ar 100 mere, ma– king ufe only of thcir Tct:th. In 160s. the t,:Hllt: Perfons WCI~r :1gain, arri– ving therc 1ulJ 2. Tl;cy wenr on Jhorc, and J"ÍJ 6. ílcw abundancc ot Mo1 ff c,, .ª nd not on ly with Shot, as thcy did thc Yc-11 bdorc:, huc with Launc<;s ckxn:rouíly. ufod, d1reébng chcm t!',' ccrtain places ot d1e1r Borlics; they bcgan alto to boíl chcir Blubbt!t', and m2c.ic 11 · l'uns of Oil, ( five of thcir Rdl:cs will yicld onc Hog• fhead) ami almndanu: of Tt>crh. Herc alfi.) thcy found a Lcad•mi111.: twdcr i 1 ·lcir:.·:t -mij'~;), l~1id
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