An account of several late voyages and discoveries
1 90 A Suppll'1ncnt to to Green!11nd, and is but a fmall Ilfand, ant1 lics Nonh-caíl: and Souch.wclt; whereas thc Counrry Sir H. f,VifloughbJ lan<lcd upon, was a large Counny ( inafinuch ao.. he fail'd manv days by the fidc of it) an~.l li\:S North an;f South which muft be Gre,,nlami.l::ti.~e's Hland was difccwer~d 1 r,, 6, hy c.:apr. 1'. Et{e,f', who hacl mach: tliat V Q_yagc F.,l_;e·s. IJl,md. ten times. M7yche's- !fland ( fo e;., il"d from a Gentleman of l'l1at Namc) wa~ tound ~iir~j_'s- out 1 6 t 7, but tlicrc bcing nothing · remarkable come to our knowkdgc conccrniog thdi:, v,c pafs thcm ove1·. Only ic is worth noting, that both thc W'hale and Jl.1orJs·fifbin.._~ wa~ known ancl praa i~'d 800 y cars agv, as appears by thc Rchnion whid1 Otther thc /\'onvegtan made .to his Lo;d _4/j;·ed King of E11 ... ~l.1nd; whcrc he alfo fa:: h, chac thc JH()·Jf.r werc humed for their Tccth, which wcrc mighcily cficcm'd. L'herry ljl,ind, whcn firfr difcovcr'd I know nor, bue it rccciv~d uot its Name. Cb,,·q· nor was known to be of auy .Pr!'.fa~ Jjland. · 11 6 1 s· . ,· 1 u 1 Jo3, w 1en a mp et out at t,1•: Cli;1rge of Sir l!'r.mciJ Cherry touch'd vpon it, and found thl.!rc fome Lcad , ami a 1H,,r,ls Tooth; but Haid not to fifh, bccaufc thc Y t:':!r was too far t1lcnt. Howcvcr, thcy ,_¡¡J}'(l ·r ( in honour of Sir Franc..s Cherr.1, far whoü ... ufo thcy took poff..:ffion ofit) Cherr¡.!Jl,rnd. ,..,.,..fs· lu 1 <;04. a Ship fcc fail (Mr.ll't-lrltt'1 th. '·i'l•j,,,, '\. A 1 d t..• I 1> • • • • 1 •• ,..,. ¿v1~rci1ant, an .. ~tt'J'11en ..>e111,rt tnc .• .., i- fü:r) fro,n L,w,.j";¡' Apnt 1 5, am.l arrivni at <·, · • ... ...
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