An account of several late voyages and discoveries
188 T /Jr fourth Part of the V~J''l_{l' forc.mcntion'd outward ílrcaks cnd themfcl ve 5 th~ Body is firft hent in fomcwhar, thcn ic turns round, and thcrc ic hath many fnn !I fircaks. Thc whole Body is as whitc as M •lk, of thc famc b1gncfs as ic is hcrc dclincatc!t. I bclieve it wcigh 1 d about four ounccc;. 1 d1d um pcrceivc that htt ,Ed burn oncs Skin, hnt l1e did, likc him I memion>d bcforc ditfolvc h!\;: flimc. · Since I have fccn other forts of thcfo S,·,. ncttJ11s in thc Spa,Jifb Sta, that wc:igh'd fcnral pounds, and t!tey wcrc o[ a hluc, purpk, ycl– lO\viíl1 arnl white colour, rhat burn more v10- lcntly than thofo of thc ,Vorth Seii; they íuck thcmfclv :.:s fo clofe to the Skin, that thcy raifo Bliíl:crs, and caufc fom:.=:-imes St. Amhon~ 1 s Pire. Thc Cuts whcreof, tog~thcr with th::: Dcfc ription, I hope to communicatc to thc Rcackr at another dme. This is mark'd with /,, in the T ab. P. A SuP ..
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