An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to sp¡tzbcrgen. 1 8 7 I rlitl not pcrccivc, whcn l had · him in my Hancl. that he did burn me.!, but it diffol– vcd likc Snot or Slime. In thc Tab. P. it is marl<'d wrth g. VI. Of 1he Slimc-fiíll /,ke .t Fo:1111 .ún. The fixth and Iaft is a vcry notable Fiíh, ít hath a holc at thc top lik•.: unco a QJaill of a Goofo ( that m;ty perhat)S he bis Mourh ) which goes into .ª ca vicy likc a Funncl, where– fore we might call him a F:mml.(ijb. From thic; holc come down four ílrokcs, two and two, exrlél:ly oppvfitc to 011c another; two of them are cm tr,¡nfverfcclly,and cwo are nor cur. Thofo :hat are not cut are about half thc breadtlt of a fha w, and tht: orhers that are liki.! unto the B:ick bnne> ot a Snake, are as hroacl as a ftraw; br)th of th!.!m come clown bc:yonct rhc m:ddlc of rhc whoic llody. Frnm thc middic of thc Funnc:1 come down four othcrs, lilcc unto thc Back-boncs of a Snakc:, ancl thcy come down lowcr chan thc othcrs; fo i:hat a11 of thcm makc eight in oumber. Thcy chang'd their colour as we look'd upon thcm, :mo hlue, ycJJo\v ami red, with fuch dc!ica.~ colours as a Rainbow. They look'd in my Eycs to be .Jikc muo a Fonntain with cight Hrcams or fpouts, whercfore wc mighc call it 1 Fo11ntain-f!Jb with cight ilrcams. ,vichin him carne down frotn the cnd of che Funncl fomc– tlung likc a Cloud that divides ir fdf into rows ·;;Jüch l td~e to be his lntrail'i. · Wherc tbe be. forev