An account of several late voyages and discoveries
1 86 The fourth P11rt of the Jl'~yage that the Macareis do íuck chcir Colour out e thefe two, but I cannot affirm ir, but leavc ic undccided, until I can alTt:rt it by my own E,,; pericnce. Thefe thn;e ñrn Si:a·q11ti!ms are:. nu. mcrous in thc .Atorth Si:a a·.; Atoms in thc ,\ir, but about Spit:::.bergm we do not find many of thcm. I ha\'C fcen thcm f wim a t top on h 1n calm wcather, but in frormy wcather chey ·r.nk to thc bottom. V. Of ihe Slime-fü]1 like ll Cap. At Spitzberge11, ncar thc b!1J/cle- ffarbour, on thc 8th of 1uly, when thc Wcathcr was cali,1, I faw two forts of Slime-fifb, whereof onc bd fix, tite other cight Corncrs: That with fix Corncrs had alfo fix purplc ftrcaks wirh blue brims. l:ktwecn t hc.:fo ílrcaks the Body is divi– dc<l likc umo a ]>umpk in into fix Ribs. Frcm thc m~ddle of his llody hang down rwo Threads , tha t are red likc Vcrm:iion , and rough, of fmall H ai rs, thcy are fhap'd l1kc unto thc Lctt~i- [ V ] . I did not 1cc h:m movc thcm \vhcn l1c . \".:' ir hin bis Bodr he hath othcr broadcr Hrcaks, of a pur¡)ic co– iour, and on the edges or brirns of a líglmíl1 bluc onc ; they reprcfi.:nt thcmfclvcs likc u11to a grea t [ \V ]. Thc w holc Hod y is as w hit~ as Milk, and not fo traníparcnt as thc Buclf ot that that comcth ncxt. 1t is íhap'd juH: likc a Cap with Corners, whcrcfore onc mighr <.ali it t he Cap-til:e Fiíh. Je is about as big again as it is tcd hcre. It ,vt:ighcd .ibour two delinca· Ourn:.cs. 1
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