An account of several late voyages and discoveries
f() Sp;tzLcrgen~ 185 1hcm at l(.uck's·l-l.1veJ1 in thc E.lbe. And I am alfo info1·m'd, rhat fomcr.imcs thcy come as far ,lown asto Er~:1l·;:r,~. By rcHfon of irs fli.ipc, it: mr1 y be call'dTbr fi,tt Slune-fa]b,or Sttilk Mime:fifh. l V. Oí th~ Rofc-Iikc fha pcd Slimc-fiílJ. Tliis S/:;n '{, i" as round as a Circlc, yct i11 hi-;,<'irr-tnn crcm.c bctwccn his cloublc fl:rokr:s ,1 litd.; imh:ntcd. Th~ Ray,; fj'lring out fii1. gl.:: from lht.: middlc of thc Body, and thcre Ji\· fi'<·ven nf th,.:•11 in numher, bm tlicy divide thl:mft.:h•cs :,~:n nvo 8rai:chc~ 1 whcre they run fomcwhit dnf1:r tog<:thcr, and are fplit in rwo. Thc B9dy thc··~-·nf is whire and tranli>arcnr, as is mcntion'd bt:'orc; l1c dr,1ws itt0gethcr, and open,; it :i;~airi as he p!cafr:th; but the Rap or ~rokc!i ar1.: browni{h red. 011 rhc ('J1d of thele :~ 1 ,;J,cs, rowards thc ourward circumfcrcncc are !"~ li'ois, ~2 in 1111111bc;r. In thc middlc of r:,:s Pbtt:. ¡.) nnoth{Y (mal! Cirdc, .111d from t hc ,.:i:·c1?mfon:rc~ of th1t rhc bciorc nam'd Spokcs i·(.;:~frt. lt is i:otlo,v wid1in, whict, Cavity mav r··~hap·) be li:S lkliy' whcrcin I found two c:r :::r~c of tÍ1c fr11.ill Shrimps. Round about <lid l¡u:~); dc•yn kvrn brown fmaU Threads, lila.: ·,_'11n f:lk, .or likc unto thc Threads rhat ílic in rh: Aír ahrJut Autumn; he cannot Mmc thcíc, l lL!icv~ he wcigh'd about half a pr; he 1.1·•;:1ho11r baila fpanbroacl; thcThrc:t-lswcre ;1:1:u~ a f¡>a:1 long. This fort wc got about !-i: . Orn.! might \•cry wcll call hnn thc ~ 11 ,1:~·, or i{r.f./ikc Slime-fi.{b, hy rcafon of hi::i :1ti'..:rc ar.d íhapc. I h~1,·c bcard fom·i relate, that
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