An account of several late voyages and discoveries
184 Th: (amtl, P.:rt of 1l·l· Ve:;,~'!.,' colom·: Tilc\' t\,•im in grf.!:H numbcrs in th·: Sea, a~ mmtc.:rouo; w, thc b c1't in thc San. 1t 1·: behcvcd tlrn:: r::et:· !,.d,•.r ki_: 1 l 1 p 1 H1 t h~ ;n, h•t ~ f c:annnr bd:c'.'t' ,.h.H thcy nm ht: fo 11011: :lh!1 ~ a Food for th~ J: l.,/ !, as to mak~ 1.h.:m k, ;;.! ; j l'd thtr bcJiC'.'C l 11.ltt hr.; l .11,, h.r • l·'1·1r,,o;,,di'V ,·s. '.' •·.rJ thc /',m·et- r.1,:.·rN, k1.d t1i:en t fi~·n·. Tlit y :· r:· s.ot bir;~c1· th~n 1 h,n•c deE,:~,, ed ! h~m. ~ -.: faw rn.,ry of thl·m in ti.e ;ú:r,:J, Jí,:,/J~r1r n· S¡ it:.-bn.~i:·, 0n tlw ~·oth ,L1y nf J:.';:I', 1\11,01:¡; thc In! 1 t·h\' lil">U.C, TlicS~;itm!I! t. ·ketilcft fr.1:ilt 1:ifh for ,, il,·1, :i:·\I J fhr,11!c1 rtlfo h;ivc tJk~:1 rh,;n) t:o hc 0 fod,, ¡¡ l 11:t<I rm;: 11,1<1 thcm i:1 1:.: Hc111tl, ;,lhl Ir.o~ 'ti mor•.: curi',ufli' UJlOn rht r•;, ami fou n: 1 th~t rhq• f !,1tl 110 ;i H: n iry 2t aJ1 \11t·i1 h 1 !:·; Srlir.'ir;. ln llh: T,.f,. o ir i·; rnarl!ed wid1 ,:. ' . . .. ll • 11& •'··· 1 1·••~1:,n,•,~n.. l .• I , ... , u, .. , ....... ••IJ • .,. T·,. epri~~· ru·: :·, H\l' <;.·; :::i~¡;ufTt(j r,r Tu 1 • fitPh, ,· .r ¡¡ ;.: "'' , . , ... !e :1 r: md .uul thid,Sr,.:·:, 1 . ' .• ,. • • JJ t llfS'\ :,&: ,z::. ~ a·,, 1::t: p;~:.,:.,. f,I 111c · l.·;1,J. :.. i1ati1.. ,L 1.:.,.: t. .-.:.1;: ,:¡· (;rioh, tlur j,.; ;11, 1hi, :. # • .. • • • ' • :l~:ill =~~ la!:~. a.,.: .. an,: 11:,.,\JI pe·, i~•,rr 1... a·~ :.:"; hr.: t'01;1 1 ·::r1.;'"! :a.L'1 lu'"·,1 :, °'.'tr~. w 11.u: ai: mir \", , .. an'-11 \', c:¡r. Fmm thc C.:t,::k clownwanb it ,!, ; 1 : ,..r •1.t• t 11·,.c. ·- •-.:,, 'IJl .¡ r .,.,.. "" \' .• 't ·,. #1 •• 1 t ,.., "'"" • 1.,, ....... .... o ' ~,....., 1 _l.:1. l l.a:t f,1~ .. ,i.:.~ i k,-. t:1.1:: ,h,· J;unc1•• 1h~ ve :·e,:n rhcm lo;~~ tii.:1~(~:·:cs U!l l,c·m h:Jow, ,,nd rhcn from r:.~ top c.lown =i~~···'~ ;~ft as :.i St1d: th~t i~ for.:·.:'. Llo\·:11 und~:·::.::1 .h thc \\'atL,' l'{hour.dcfr : · I . . 1 1\. • • h ' a:~~m. !!Ot tmm m t,1e, . crtt., ~r.r, C~\i .:· ¡. .fl.1,it;·. l:::1.. :-,,~1:<l rhc ,~,, ,._ wh\,'1 e t:i\! !5c:-i-·.~.-.:.. ..~:,,"'; ..... ;e ··· · .... ·f ,!···t·l' 11 ' ',. · ¡.• "'t J"""' ,,& ., .... .. ~ l, ~;.,__ r,t'. ?2\lt;HuO ,,: ,, '; ~-: ;
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