An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to tht St1'eigbts of 1víagellan. J thcrn point of thc Ro:td bcaring South cafi from me; diflant al,om: :t mile nnd an half; thcre are craggy Rocks to thc South of thc Ro:td on the Jhorc {idc, hut to thc North a fow fandy ihorc·; tbc Ro:td is on thc North \\ dl nnd by \Vdl part ofthc Jfland in a tinall fandy Uay; chcrc's thc– pond n bm,·~s fl10t from thc Sea in rhc low fiat Land ; fre!h \\·arcr is vcry fcarcc h,rc : J wcnt a– lhorc prefently :i.ítcrl h:id ::mclwrcd, nnn found a heap of Salr of r.bour 2.::) Tuns; l got aboard a– g:ün immcdiatcly, and font thc Long boa! alhore, ,•. h:ch brought off 2 Tuns and ~; thc SuHc~mc in fo much that no more could be got off; \\'e haJJed rhc Scync hcrc, and c:rnght nbundancc of good Mullets, with fome C.11,1i1/Je :m<l filvcr riíli; onc of the Hl:mdcrs a Negro camc nhonrd, \\ hom I fcnt afüore to tell thc Pcople that if thcy brought down fome Cattlc I wmi)d buy fome of rhcm; I rode herc aH Kight; fo;r JYcarhcr, the Wind Ea. flel'ly. Tlüs fide of the Jíland is dry Jand with. out wood; her<.> arr many Goats, :md Guinea Hcns. · Frid.,y,Oli'oler 29. fair WC'athcr, thc wind at N.E. a fine galc: this Morriiag 1 fcnt my Boat a– fliorc, :1-nd bought ot thc I ílandcrs fome Goats at ·; a piecc of Eight pc:r Hcad, and 8 Cows,cxcellent ooq me~t,at 6 picccs of J;:ight ~ Cmv, gl\·ing thc ' kins again; my men caught n great many Fiih yith the Scyne, wh1ch this day \\'C 3plit, ami laid :a pick le four Bours, t hen dried t:icm to kcep> ·hich,thcy will n Tong time in any Climatc. ·as I ave experienced in orhr.r Voyagrs. and are vcry ood Viétuals at Sea: J m::1de what ditpatch l · BJ coohl