An account of several late voyages and discoveries
1 8 ~ 1h· fourth P ,¡rt ~f t /Je Vnyt1,iz,c to F,athers. Hefides thcfe, ( have fee.n four rn h~r fort; t Ii.1t are quite ,11tferi11~ in fhapc from th1;~ mh:ts, ami are callcd Sea-q;1,1!rtJJ by the Seame,:. :is if thcy werc a th;ck S<.:um of i:k S~.t c(nhnl.ucd t~~~cLhcr. Th-::y are ali<.> _calkd alter thc L:tt:n l'-~a:r,c .',c·,i Net1!a, bccaufc thc¡· caufc a burning l'.,in like umo Ncuk~. I hav·~!~· h,1d !0mc Tho1.!ghts, rhat tllt: no1:::. cr Silmrf,/l,cs m:;:;l;t h~ a S::d fltmg out and fo pu– tritiá1. ~-tJHl : ha t tht"}' did c.mfo thi«. hurn ing Parn hv l"C.!ii1:1 cr d1ci r Pmrcfatliun; ar.el fo} did think rhat thc }° r((:~i vc<l thc:r fl 1apc or form i'.lCCO!dim; to thc f.:rcral ki11ds of l 4 ifhcs from whe.nce th'-=r ca:11rt ::rnrl Lfnt fome clict take altu 1_.hornl,.:·.b. otht-rs ,iltcr ll'ú.• !,·.~, ancl thc ]ik~; hut this d<,~h not 1:.:,:n1 to b~ .1grccablc to Rea· iOll, fo:·} h,l\'C íC'nlid1..r\1 it hcttcr lii!CC, ami fin:1.1 .ilt· to h.:~, ::i,· more nobll.! thing, than tl ,Jt ii 11.···~1\l p:·0.;.et.:d (:·.-::m purn...!;.!d fü..c.:d c.:.. t!t aw 1·:. ·r 11•·t· l :., "l'c·· .. i,., 'j 'l ·"11:,,t·L·tl\· 101· ·ti! tftc 'i' 'l 11 • .J · 1 .._ n &. 1 l 1 .\.. , \.: o. la• , ! • 4 • 1 4. I t I t. l "r·t' 11r '···· ,••, ,·. 11 • -l·s to ·'1 ··11 1·l1'1 '"'' a l)'u1· ~, • 1 ¡ .. 1 ........ 1 u" ... : .~ 1' .... ¡\. ' • \,;. , • 1 d ~ 1 doth t!m ~ CIN h. L <f t,';~ Sca-.\-fa}'· ílyc. T:·cfi.: Í."°!1J.!l Fifh :1rc vcr}· likc unto rhc ·" · .r.,.'1:.:1, bc~allfo or th...:ír tr,1nljl.lrClli: Bod;, ,!11(. tl:t~Y alfo diff(kv·~ likc thl.! fome, if you hc!,I t!icm in your [-1.!nd. 'fhcr hal'C l:WO Finn~ tal• <!crncJi.h, ac<1-t.1t : h~ N cck, ,~·hi" !1 are likdtllíl· l\HhGfc of tft:.: 1-i'h.d,•, Thcy ~re:!? clwi1· n.. ;pe likc muo our '..i l.itc.-: Rowls, hroadand chid: ·n dtc miJdk, antl t!iín a:~d poimcd ar t.!;.id1 t:1H!. 11., fr,t· t.h::; rtH 0f thc 13ody, it ü vc··y Jikc ~rn:al
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