An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to Spitzb('rgcn; l 8 1 .:ording to thc bigocfs of tl1c 51cop!t, thcrcin is thu llHp· •-mier, Line kcepcr or Givcr, and thc ·iccc;rfman: Thcy ::11 ,·ow cqual1y, until thcy rnmc ncar to the Whalc, cxccpt the Stcerfinan, for he guidcs rhe Uoat with his Rudd(. r. Thcy alfo have in cach Sloop a Chopping-lrnife, to cw off the Rope whco thcy cannor .. follow r.hc Whalc, auda Hammcr. and othcr Inílrnmcnt.;;, :h ~iatchcrs, l)rag!), and fcn:rai forrs of KPi\'e1., ,;.:hc."'C'-'''lthd th~\ \.Ut the 1'Vh.1!n. .M .. ,:r ara\ i)r.~1k ¡.., .ti,;; .. ,~1v¿n 1hem acc.or< l;1·~ ro :he vf.1,il Cu to•11, he tlMt will h:-tve bctrt l' n1u1~ ttll:·· it alc,,[t wid1 hirn. Lazy Fdfo,1 °' an.• in 1his Vo)'.ip;e trouhfcd with thc ,,,,.,,:;_'), hut lbofo th:it :e.u· uchhcr Air uor W:ml, a,,d bcftil· thcmfdvcs, efcapc prcny wcll ~ d1~ the ,'fr111·v_1 is thc common DHlcmpcr in rhi-. Vo>:ige, he– ,.fidcs Fevcrs, lmpoflhumcc;, and o~her accir!cn– tal Di(lc.:mpcrs, and tbcrefon: th: Chyrnrgion : carc ro prn1,·ide him:d¡: e II A P. xrr. O/ Rotz-61l1t's '111.l S;:.i-qu.1.!tus. 01::.-fifb (or Sli111e-Jjbes) I can thcfe, that in themtelves tu·e 11othi11g cite but Slime, nd rhey are tranf parent. I have obforvcd fe. tral J:ind¡ of thefc, fome \\.•hcl'cof ha\·e l"ª rts 'kc flmns, as tbat fam~ which I call the St1a 1"J·/lit. Otheflt are likc unto thc fi lt Snails, Dl)' in!lead of Finns thcy havc.: Stalks likc un- N I to
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