An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spirzbergcn. r 79 out of his Mouth ae thc fides, as it doth in Whalcs, for clfe he can open his Mouth if he plc.:afos. Within his Mouth, bctween thc Whale-bonc, he is ::di over hairy, like unto Horfcs Hairs, which grows within to the Wha!c-bonc that is h,:t r.ew growing, and it is of a blue colour. Thc other WhaJc-bonc is of a brown colour, and da rk h•·o,1t.•nifh wirh yellow ttroaks, which are clh:cme.:! w he thc oldetl : Thc bluc ~,h:1lc.:-hone cnmcth frorn young \\'ludes and Fin11 tiílic'>. He is notas black a; Vch:er, as thc Whale is, but )ikc a Tcnch. Thc fhapc of his Body is long ancl fmaJJ, m:i• tber is he fo fat u.s a W hale, whcrcforc wc do 1 not much care co catch him, tor he doth not · pav us for our La bour. Ir i, much more da 11- gúous to lciJl him 'than to kili a \V hale, bc– cauic he moves quicker, and bcat~ abouc him w:rh his Tail, aml from him \\.'ith his Finm, fo rhat we darc not come near umo him with our Sloops or Long-boats, for che Launces kilJ hirn foonetl-. I w,ts informed, tl: ?. t once fome, be– fo··c thc}' WCr\! awarc of it, el ÍÓ fling, by a mi.. ::akc, chcir Harpoon inro a Finn-filh, wherc.. upo:1 he clrew both Boat and Mcn, ali on a foJ.. <len, undcmcarh a largc Ice-fl1eec beforc thcy wt:rc a warc of ic, and not onc (';f chcm cfcap'd. ·Hi) Tail lies !lac, Jikc unto th~n of thc Whale. \Vh~n the 1.:inn- fifhcs ap¡ltar wc foc no mort: Wh:1lcs. '. Th: rrnin-oyl of thc VJhaJc is utccl by fcvc– rJ 1, ,;1i~. by tllt; Fr1;..._,,._,,,11,t.•¡;rr, Cr:rri1!1"1, (,.'/oJth. ~·.rt:,rs, and .'),1,1¡,-b(l 1 /t·n; h 1 1t rh1.: ~n:atcU ufo :'..j ·2 thac