An account of several late voyages and discoveries
tó Spitzbergr.n: 177 cording as ,t is in goodnc,s. ,\ e thc plnc.c whcrc thcr cry "P Cht; En Ílltü Tr:ti:1-oyl, m:,1r fl,,,nlJ11rg, tl,_y ny Uj'> thc out oi'clu: Vdfols i11to a grcat woocicn Trough o·~ Tub, ancl out C'f this rwo !vkn cmpt}' ic imo a grc.,t Kettlt, that fl.mds 0 1 :ar it, cha e ,lOLh hohl two Cardcts o! Fat, tlut 11:., :,e, 1 20, 1'3", and fomccimcs qo Gallom: Dn:form::nh this Coppcr that is madc up with ~kidc.. thcy put the F1re, ami fo thcy boil ic, a,:d tr}' ic up into Train-oyl, a§ )O!J try up oth<!r . This Coppcr is \'ery well i::ciirc:d, as ti.e Dycrs Copp~rs uic to be: it is rcry bro:ill ¡! mi tla t, jufl likL'. a F rr ing prn, made of Copp.!r. \Vhl!c th,; Fa¡; i:; \\'t:11 crycd or fq·ccl our, rhc,: takc it out or ti1e Pan wid1 finaii K 1 .:al,.:~, in:o a grc:n s;evc, that the liquid only ma)' run through, thc reft is Llirown away. 'Jlis .:,icvc ·na!hl:. ovi.:r a greac Tub, which as ~bovc half filkcl '.Vith Lold Water, thacthe hot Tqlin oy I mar b: coo:rd, and that what is unclcanand dirty of th~ J;lood and other Soil m.1y _tall to ch..-: bottom, ar:,! only thc ckat' Train-oyl h\'im ac che top of thc Water, lilm rhcr Oyl. 1n th;s grc.·1t Tub 01· Trough is a mall Spout or Tap wllich doth nm our ovcr 1orher as bigas :lTuh, ul!t ofwhich e!:\! Train– d runs imo another Tu!'>, wh~n it is almoíl: ';~cif to fUU!r, whÍd\ Í:; alfo {-i!l~d With col,! 'la1ertothemid1l!t.!, whcr.:lll itis more ccolcd, nd b~com~s <:lc.arcr, aml more.-: rclined than it •,1s bcfo:-c. 1 n this Trough is anorhcr Spouc, hro~¡gh whkh thc Trniu oyl runs into the \'.~i-:.!!nufo inw a Y ult , v,·ia~··..;out rhey fill it ~~ imo
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