An account of several late voyages and discoveries
C 1-l A P. X. o¡ t!Jc Tryi,~ Otlt o/ the Tr,iin·OJl from the Fát. F Ormcrly the lJutch clid try out their Train– oyl in ~pit::..b~r.gen, at Srmrmbert,, ancl about the Cookery of Harlin.._(!,e», whc:re Hill, for a Re. mcmbrancc, all fons of Tools bclonging thcrc. unto are to be focn, whercof l have made men– tion hcfore. The try up thcir Train– oyl in their Ships, and by that meaos many Ships are burnt at Spitzbergm; and this was thc occafion .of thc burning of two Ships in m,7 time. Thcy try out thcir Traín-oyl at Spitz.– bcrgen, that thc,' may load the more Fat in 1 their Ships; and they believe it to be very pw– fitablc, for they go thcir Voyage upon parr, chat is to fa y, thcy rcceive more or lcfs, accor<líng to what thcy catch: but I do not account it Wifdom ro fil} up the room of' thc Ship with \Vood, where they might How Veffels. Bue our Coumry-men, as I toJd you before, pur the Fat into the V cffels, whcrein it doth for– mcnt juíl: hkc Jkcr; and I know no Inil:ancc that cver any Vcffd did fly in pieccs, altbough thcy are fiopt up vcrv clo{e, and fo it bccorncth 1 fo:- the greatcl1 part Tra in-oyl in them. ü f t hc frcíll Far of \Vhalcs, whcn ir is burnt out p:! Iofc Twcmy in thc Hundred, more or kls1 .ir.:· Cot .. l •)" l 1 :1.~·:
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