An account of several late voyages and discoveries

4 Sir John Narbtottgh's Vo_11Jge Eafi: : Courfc by clac Compaís chis uftcrnoon S.W. lirtlc win<l to nighc; J lhapcd my m:lrcíl: Courfe for the Iílund ofSt. J.1 6 0 with ali tl1c fail I coulJ mnkc, the Batchelour Pink in Company; I gavc order to my Maíler to makc che bcfi of his wav to St. Jago Itland, but not to lcave the Cc111pan3· of the Batche/our. Saturday,Oélober 23. Thewind atN.b.Ea galc: this day in thc forenoon I cro_tled thc íropick oi Cancer, ali my men in gc;,od health, I prairc thc Al· mighty God for it: many of .my men that had bcen with me in the /ndie.r.formerly, werc lcr blood ; for I takc bleeding in thefe hot Climatei to be a grcat preferver of health, diverting Ca. }entures ; I expericnced it in two Voyages before to thc Iflaod of- St. Efele11a; and in onc to t Coafi of Guinea, .where feverat of my nu:n uad that difiemper, werc preferved by blccding; in thefe Voyages I was never fick one' day, nor · t~vo years time in the Meditcrranean Sea, nor , the Canaries; for when I came near the Equin ífial 1 always breatbed a Vein. Thurfday,Olloier 28. the \Vind at fail-Nort~ Eafi, a fl:iff galc; this Morning I faw the Ifle Mayo bcnring S. b. fV. difiant by ellim~tion eig Leagues ; it 1m1kes a high HiH, and Craggy to t~ Eafi part, and Iow laild towal'ds the 1hore-fide 1 theNorth wefi: part of the Iíland ; it lies from E 11av~ft s. b. W. difiant near , 8 Jeagues. This da at 11 a Clock I anchored in thc Road in fevenf: thom water, fandy Ground, abottt a mile frotnt íhore ; the Northernmoíl: point of the Road b ing N.N.w: half a point to the Wefi, and the S the