An account of several late voyages and discoveries
17 4 The futtrth pt1rt o/ tbr Voyttge~ of this Bag the Fat runs d.:,wn i ;1to tt Tub ~ woodden Funnel, which they put ur :·.: tmpty Vetfels or Carde Is, as they caU the: n > and the Meo that are below in the Ship fill ,h~~m with it, and fo it is kept unt !I they try it ur into Train-oyl. Whcn thc Far is cut off from onc fide of d1c Whale, befare;! they turn him they cut out the Whalc-bone in one entire picce; and this is fo hcavy, that aU thc Shíps Crcw hath enough to do to pul] it up. They make ufe ~ for that purpofo , of a peculiar fort of Hooks, two whereof thcy fix on thc fidcs, and one on the mid<llc of ir, very wcJl providcd with itro~1g Tackh, as you may fce in th~ Tab. J{, and ú ~erward¡ they cut out the Whale .bone of du; m.her fide of the Fifu, and draw ít up alfo v::t h Pulleys inco thc Ship, where it is cut into foch pieccs as they bring it hither in. The \Vhale- bone doth only be. long to the Owncrs ~f t hc Ship, and the O· thers that run their hazard, whether the _ catch few -0r many Whales. The rett, which take their Pay by the Month , receive their Money whcn they come home, whether they bave caught many or none, and thc Lofs Gain falls upon the Merchanrs. The Hoolr that they , rane up tbe Whale bone withal., ar made on purpofo for it, tike a Beam of a pai of Scales ; oa each end are two íharp points which they knock in between the Whale-bone· in the middle of thc Beam is faílcned a Ion Handle with a Ring, whcreon the Ropes ar faftencd; on this Hat1Ale therc are fixed tw oth~,
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