An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spitzb~rgen. 1 7 ~ Thc othct· Mcn cut thc Fat into f mall pieccs, on a Table; on thP. further fidc ot thc Table is a Nail faflcncd, whereunto they faílcn a Hook, which thcy put into the Fat, that it may lye fieddy w hen they c1Jt it inco finan pieces; the Fat is tough to cut, whcreforc it muft lic firm. That fidc whercon the Skin is thcy fay undcr– moíl, and fo cut the Fat from it by picccs. The Knives wherewith thcy cut the Fat into fmall pieces, are lefs than the othcr, about three foot long with rhcir Hafts. Thcv ali cut from them ihat they may not be bedaÚbed with the Fat, which might occafion a fürinking-up and lamencfs of the Sincws of thcir Hands and Arms. One of them cuts the foft ami tough Fat into fmall picccs with a long Knifc ; this Man thcy call thc Chopper, and he is mightily daubed, whcreforc he doth hang about him ali forts of Rags ancl Clouts !:le can gct. Thc Fat of fome Whalcs is white, of othcrs ycllow, and cf fome red. Thc white far is ful! of fm1l1 Si– news, and it <loes not .yield fo much Oyl as thc yel1ow. Thc yc11ow Fat that looks likc Buttcr is thc beft. Thc red and watcry Far cometh from dead \Vhalcs, for in thc place whcrc thc Fat runs out, thc Blood fctdcs in its room, and yields the worJt and lean Oyl. Heforc thc Table-is a Guctcr madc of two Boards naile(l together, whereinto the fmall or minced Fat is fhmg; by it fiands a Boy that fhuffles the Fat hy degrccs into a Bag that is fixcd to thc cnd of thc Gmrer, and is likc unto a Pud\.Ung~ bag, fo chat it rcachcs dow11 ínto the Sbip; our. ot