An account of several late voyages and discoveries
17 ·'.l 1hc fourth P.1rt of t!Je Vo)'ttge cut it the cafier. And whcn they havedrawn up this Fa~, the Mcn take it in co them inro the Ship, and Joofcn thc Ropc that it was faft– necl unto. Thc Ropc is faH:ned with a Ring whcrcinto thcy puc a great iron Hook, which ic; faJlncd to a firong Tackl~, and alfo fome~ times, beforc in thc Ship, are fix'd two other Tackle, whcrcwith all thc Fat Í5 <lrawn up into thc Ship. In the Sh:p ftand rwo Men, with Hooks as long as a Man, whcrcwich they hold thc great piece of Far, which thc rwo Mcu cut into fquare picccs with thcir long Knivcs. By thcm itands anothcr, thar hath a íhort Hook wi.h a Ring in his Hands, which he thn.afh in– ,., che picccs of Fat that are cut fquarc, and puts ir upon ~he Bcm.:h or Drcffing- boa rd,where it is cut by othcrs ihto kf~ picccs. The two ñrfi r',A~n wich thcir long Knivcs, thac cut thc largc picccs of Fat, ftanc.l ncar thc Larboard of thc Ship, at that fidc whcre thc Whale i~ tix'd, :tnd the othct· Mcn that afccrwards cut it imo lcfs picccs, ftand on thc other fi<le ca ll'd Star-1 board, as you may fec at I, in thc Tab. . A. \Vhen it is a good time to catch \Vhalcs, andj thcy wiU not lofe it, thcy tow fomctimcs fo. vcral Fifh bohind thcir Ship, and catch more l and thc:y cut cnly the grcat picccs of F.:r. o .th~m, and fling them underneath into the Ship But whcn they havc no more Veffcls to pu thcir l:tat into, thcy fail into an Harbour; or i ic b~ ca!m Wcather, and not windy, thcy fbj 1 in rhc Sea, and fallen thcmfcives to a fhcet o Ice, and fo thcy drivc along with thc Strearn ·1·1 .l
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