An account of several late voyages and discoveries
tp Spi:zbetgeo. 1 7 1 tfr pieee, that is as muchas to fa y thc ~Vinding– picce ; for as they cut a il t he other ~a t all in rows, from thc Whale towards the end, fo they cut this great l(enter pie,e largcr and wider than ali the rcH. This piece, whcn ic: is cut round ai>out from che \Vhale, reachcs from thc Water to the C.:ra<lle, (thac: is thc round Circlc that goeth roun<l abom the middle of the Maft, and is mad·c in the íhape of a Basket) from whence you ma y guefs at the bignefs of a Whalc:. A firong and thick Rope ís. foced to this J(enttr piece, ·and the othcr end is fixed un. derneath thc Cradlc, whereby tbe Wha]e is as itwas born upoutof thc Wacer, that thcy rnay come at it, and by reafon of thc great weight of the \Vhale, the Ship li::ans Mwards that fide. One may jndge how toL?gh th .. ~ Fat is, for in this f· ;~~c :m hole i5 madc, th1 ough w hich the Ropc. is tafiened, yet not clcep inro thc Far, whercwirh they turn the Fiíl1 at Plcaíure; as you may fce at /(, in thc Tab. .A. Thcn, as is beforc faid, thcy cut anorhel' picce down hard b}' this, that is alfo halled up to thc Ship; as you may fce at L, in the Tah. A; and rhcr. in rhe Ship thcy cut it into lefs pieccs about a foot 1quare. Thefe two Men have in their Hands, as well as thofe that Hand on the \V hale, long Knives, wherewith thcy cut thcle fquarc piece!. Thefe Knivcs are, wich thcir 1-:latrs, aoout the lcngth of a Man; and the more thc FJt of the Whale is loofcnc<l, )Uft ac; thc Hide is fü:a'd frcm an Ox, the highcr rnufl thcy pull \JP the Fat W!th their Pullep, thar thcy ma y · cut
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