An account of several late voyages and discoveries
l ·70 The fó"rtb P~rt o/ the Voyage is fclciom that a WbA/e dorh reach farther thar. fi·om the Poop to the middJc of the Ship, ex– cept the Veffels are very fmall; as you may fec at X, in thc Tab. A. By the Larboard is to be undedlood that fid( of thc Ship that is at your Right Hand as yot go from befare towards che ~cero ; bue that fid, of the Ship that is on your Right Haud as yot go from the Stern towards the Forc-part is cal. Jcd Star-board, becaufe you go from the Stec, forward. Whoc\·cr of thc Ships Crcw fees a dcaC: '\Vhale, crics out Fifb mine, aud therefore thc Mcrchants mull pay him a Ducat, for bis Can and Vigilance. Many of thcm climb afeen ur ioto thc Maft, in hopes to have a Ducat, but i~ vam. Whcn thc dcad Whale is thus fafiened to th, Ship, two Sloops hold on the othcr fide of th Fifh or \Vhale, and in each of thcm doth ftan a Man or Boy, that has a long Hook in h 1-Iands, whcrewith he doth hold the Boat t the Ship, and the Harpoonicr Hands bt:forc i the Sloop, or upon rhe Whale, wich a Leathe Suit on, and fometimes thev ha ve Boots o Undcrneath tqc Hook are ·fome fharp Na· fixcd, that they·may be abie to Hand firm, fi the Whale is \' t:ry flippery, fo that one maye fily faJl, as upon íl ippery Ice. Thcfe two M that cut che Fat off have their pt:,uliar Wa for it, viz. about four or fivc Rix Dolla Firft, they cut a Jarge piece from bchind e Hcad, by the Eycs, which thcy call the Ñ
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