An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to Spitzbcrgtn~ 1 6 9 one way and the othcr way, as thcy do when they pokc for Eels, as you may fce a t Z, in the Tab. //; but if he cloch get one or more out of your I·fands, you rakc anothcr, for cvcry Sloop hath at lcaft fivc, íix or fevcn, a nd yct fomctimes he has thcm all out of thrce, four, or more lloats fiicking in bis llody. · C H A P. VIL fVh,tt they do mith thc de,ui \,!hale. A Fter thc Whale is killcd thcy cm off hfo T a íl; fome J{ecp thc Taíl ami Finns, and haug th~m upar lhc outfüfo of tlv.:ir 51: p, fol." rhat dcfcnds thcm from th~ Ice \\.'hcn it pref.. fc th upan thc Ship: Thc T ,Lil í• '.-1,h:r-; th:..: Uoa t in ics courfc, becaufr it dorl, h. e¡,; . . • and ::hac is the l'eafon why they CUt ir , O:~ J-:fe>J'C tb~ TaíJ they fallen a picce of :1 Ro;u·. :i.nd at che othcr end at the St 1 .:rn of rh :; l !l ·kiop, as you may foe ín che Tab. A, markt.·d t\ rh; I'. Then: is in all four or five Sloops farlcnt:d to onc ano– ther behind, and fo rh~v ruw one behi,~d thc othcr to the grcat Shii). When ch:..:y havc hroughc thc 11' h,i/e to tbc Ship, thcv tyc it with Ropcs faít to the Ship; titar par'c wher~ thc Tail is cut off they fallen ro thé fore-part of the Ship, and thc I-Iead towards the Stt:rn, about thc midcllc, ncal" che grcat Sltrowds of rhe Mainmaít <.1n the Lni·boarci of th:~ Shir; !t ~ ·' ~V
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