An account of several late voyages and discoveries
1 ó8 Tl:e fottrt"l, Part of tlJe Voy,1ge anc\ wincls himfc\f, and thcy receivc many fe. ven! Hkn.vs. .Her~ the Stcerfman mutt takc carc to ohfcrvc how thc H 1 h,1/,: runs and tnrn<; h:m!elt ahour" th;1t Lhc 1-larpoonicr may rca ch hím wüh hir, La unce:;: all thc othcr Men in thc S!oopi l'nw d:li¿t·1~t1r, 'íomctimcs furwards, and fo:n .... ::imc::s h:idt'\.\'~:nls, which thcy call ro,a•úzr: 11;1 ar.d jfriL·11'!., and whcn the ,..,'h11te lifts up himíi:lf out of rite \V:1tcr.. he commonly dmh flrikc :?hcut wirh his Tail and Finns, that thc V/a::.:r clafheth up likc Dufi. A·boat he v<1lucs no more than Duít, for he can bcat it ~tll into fü:urcrs at a blow: Hut a grcat Ship i~ roo hard for him, and if he flrikes againfl it with his Tail.. he fods it mot'c than thc Ship, fot· he dod1 fo paint thc Ship with his owu .B?:Jod, that it makcth him vcry fceble. A gocrl füc~n1!an is next unto thc Harpoonicr r~1oll ufclul m thc Sloop; he ilcers wirh onc 0.Jr, and Jmh look out bcfore; thc othcr four 1\/1.:a rnrn thcir Back to thc Hcad, and look to– w.~ rds thc Stcrn, thercforc dmh the Steerman ~!:ll l·farp~.unii:r .dw:1y:; cry, Ro1v o», oi- ffril:e, t1nt is to fay~ row ncar to the /11 1 b11le, or clfe J(ct:p iard1cr off Thc Launces have a \Voodcn S~irk 01· lfand!c ab0vc two Fathoms Jong 1 or fmJc\~·hat fhont.:r tilHU a Pikdtaff; as in thi: T:,b /.!., } cu m<! y_ f";; at .. t: ; the Iron thcrcof i~ < nmn:cnly .a FJ!ho;n Jong, and pcinted befor~ i:ke tamo a P::ic; ;r is madc c;f S,eel or tough l ro,1, th.'.!t :r m ~1~: h~;nd Wíthu,!t brcaking: I 1 o:· .,.fiu· yoa ha"·~ tnddc a de~\l ho!c Íll his 1->,JC-} ·wal1 '-'Ol!l' L:macc~, vou n~ke imo it with tb!m J ~ ~ , . ,,. ;J••
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