An account of several late voyages and discoveries

166 11Je fourtl, P.,,t o/ t!Je Poy,,gc in the Body of thc fVha!e, yet not without grcat lof:;, for oftentimes they run away with the Lines tbac bclong to five and more Sloops. It happens very oltcn, that they run to the Jce with the, ro that chey dafh againíl: it, as if rhey would break ic into picces, which alfo ver.y .oftcn happens. But when the WhAle rifes again, thcy ofccnrimes fling one or two more Harpo<)n~ into him, according as thcy find '1· ;, ::in:d more or lcfs, then he clivcs ua– der \V" cr agarn. Sorne fwim or ruri evcn all along on thc \Vater, and they play with their Tail and Finns, fo that we n\uíl: have grcat care that ,ve may not coine too near them. When thc Wlutte.; fling their Taiis about afcer this manncr, they wind the Line about their Tail, fo that wc need not to fear the Harpoon tcarir.g out, for chcn thcy are cy'd Hrong and firm c1~ough with t!!e Rape. After they are wounded, thcy fpout with all their might and main, fo that you may heal' them as far oa· as ycm ma y a Cannon; but when they are quite rired, it cometh out only by drops, for he hath nor ihcngth enough to force the Wa– ter up, a11d thtrcfore it founds as if you held an cmpty Mug or Bottle undcr \Vat~r, and the \Varcr runs into it. And d1ís found is a cerrain íign of his fceb!cnefs, 2nd that he is going to expire. Sorne JIVhales blow Hlood to the vcry latt, afcer thcy have been wounde~, an<.l t hcfc dalh thc Men in thc Long- boats rnoff filrhily, and dyc thc Sloops as red as if they wcrc paintcd with a red colour; .nay, ti.e very