An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to tht St1:e{r:bts of Magellan; 3, is thc ll1etrt1po/is, and is fitu:lt<;J i11 a Bay on thc fouth Part ot th'! l!fand, d ofc to rhc<lc)wal– Ied ncxt thc Sea, and \\.;ell forrifiec.l with Ord. n.rncc; frcíll \\.-atcr comes runn~ng into cite Seá in rhemiddle ofthc B:1y, in a fair R1vulet from un- 1.:!r an Arch m the Wall ; th e fü oar fides aré rrcac Pcbbkfiones in the lhy, a.nd Rocks in che ,rher plat·es ; the R.oad is fou.l gro~n d,co th·.! ·Eaíl: 3rt of it : thc fhip.s ridc in fhoc of Ordnance of he City: this City is about :rn E11glifh mile in cngth, :ind thrcc: quartcrs of a .milc in breadd1. : Tbe Dcfarts are barren rocky lile~ of a good eighth,and lie at theSouth-eaíl: point ()f M.1d.era, bove a mile diíl:ant from che fhorc; therc is wa~ er enough. bet\v.een M,ulaa and tbe.Defarts in the idway, &nd no danger; the Dcfarts trentco the outh-eafl. Fonc/Jitde Bay .in thc ,JJle of ~l~t/~r.á, ·es in the Lat. of 32. d. 10 m. Nonh, ·~n d in,L o.n.:– ¡tude Weíl: from the Liz.arel of E11glaná 1.od . ,~-m. nd Mcridian diílance 143 Leagues. · , Su11day bcing the. 17th. fair V.-'.eather and li~de ·;nd at North·weíl:, Courfe by my Compafs 011th weH. I ·make my true Courfe by. Fo11· hiale Bay,till to day at noon South íouth-wefl:,d¡_ ance,failecl 34 miles fix tcnths departureWeit r 3 ilcs; Qiff: L:it.ocd. 3 2. m. Lat. by account } 1 d. 8m: Ivieridian diilance from the Liz.ard Wcfr., 47 Icagucs 1 n1ile; Longitude from the Lizará 'eíl: 1 d d. 1 7 m. 1 Ditference of Longitude from 011Chiale Weft ooi/. 16 m. To day at noon l .faw e Ifland of'Madát1 bearing N. b. E. the body of e lfle diftant by eilimation 1 ·1 leagues; it mak~s a bluff body at the Weíl: end> and trents to the n 2. . Eáft : " : \