An account of several late voyages and discoveries

f() Spitzbergcn~ 1 6 ~ be c.ut oif togeti. ... "ec-aufe fome H'hales link, and othcrs do fwi: ·--: t? '. t . : : · t!1 ¡ he \V'?.cer when they are dead, whicl. ; . · ' · ,-;1.n tel1 befor,..: – hand, whcthcr ll1cy ,,.•t11..: · 1 )l'!e or ,¡1e 01 hcr, Thc faL 0nes do not fin~.;' ~· : .. udy ali:cr t' , are frefh killcd, but thc h.:a:.1,.• .. : , i~uk ~mmcu.. ttely afcer they are dead, but :: Lcr fome fow da ys they come ti~) agaia, ar.d fw ir., 011 rhe Water: Bue it wóu!d be too long a whi;~ for a Man r.o ftay till he cometh up again, and the Sea is never fo <¡uiet that one can Ha y long in the fame place, and where the Sea is quiet, aml without Waves, therc thc Stream doth carry the Ships and the Ice along together, fo that we fhould be forced to Jea ve the Jt1 1 hiele unto others, that would finél him dead fome days af. ter. 'Tis true, th:-; is che eafte{t way to catch WhJ/e1, bue it is vcry nally and ftinking work; . fo1· long and white Magg.ot<; grow in their Fleíh, they are flat like unto Worms that breed in Mens Bdlies, and they f mell worfe than ever I fmelt any thing in my Life. The Jongcr the Whale líes dead in the Water, the higher he doth fwim :ibove it; fome fwim a foot high above the Water, others to their middle, and then they do burtl eafily, and give a very great re– port. They begin immediately to fünk, and this encreafes hourly, and their Fleíh boils and ft:rments like unto Beer or Ale, and holes break in their Bellies, tbat their Guts come out. lf any Man is enclined to fore Eycs, this Vapour cnffames them immcdiately, as if Quicklim~ wasflung into them, But when thc livt 1-'Vha/es M 2 rife