An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to Spitzbergeo." 1 6 r you may fce in thc Tah. R., markcd with b. Be· fore this hollow part, che Fore•goer is fa. ften'd or ty1d, that is to fay the forcmoíl: Rope, as you may fec in the Tab .!2_, marked with i. Thofc are the beft .Harpoons that are nú<lc of clean and fine Steel, and are not hardcned too much, fo that you ma y bcad it w id1ouc tñap· ping, for oftenrimes Twp hundrcd Pounds are loll: (for a midling I-Vb,;1/~ ís dlecm.. d ar fo much) in 2 minuce.s time foi· wam of a ge-id and wcH- 1 temper>d Harpooa. Thc \Voodcn Scick is fa. 'llencd within thc Iron Collet or l iunncl of the Harpoon, with Packchread wound ~dI a bouc che Iron; fomewhat higher up, about nvo fpan:; off, therc is a holc ma<lc through che Srock, as }'Oll may fce markcd wirh k, in the Tab. ,Q. The Harpoon is light behind, and hcavy to– wards thc point, or bc.:fore, like an A rrow, that is madc heavy bcfore wich !ron; and light be– hincl with Feathers, fo thar fling it ,vhich way }'OU will, it doth fa1l always upon tbc point. Thro11gh this hole cometh a piece of P. – hread, ·whcrewith the end of che For~-runncr =, faíl:e.1cd to thc Hantlle or Stock of the Har~ oon, bue chis is foon torn ofF, aml it forvctb ~r nothing more ;1frer che H,:trpcon íticks in he Body ofthc \Vhr. lc ; ncither is che \Voockn andle of any funhcr ufr, and fo it doth foo11 ome out from che fron. Whcn the Whalc is n:ck w:th rhc Harpoon, ali the ochc1· Lon~- t1t;; row om befare, and takL: noticc wltid1 ··ay thc LÍgl.! doth ílaml, and fon1....timcs c!1~y .ui at the Ronc 01· Line (~•s v<. u nrny foc in Jvl th1.':
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