An account of several late voyages and discoveries

1 60 The {ottrth P,trt o/ the Vqo1ge fpouted Blood in fuch a quantity, that the Sea was tinged by it wherever. he fwam, wherc. unto thc Mal/emucks flock'd in great Numbers, a:. I have menrioned before. They alfo Jaunce the Whales ncar thcir Privy-parts, if they can come at it; for if they are run in there, it doch pain them very; nay, cven when thcy are almoft dead, if you ru11 in your Launce theréabout, it caufos the whole Boéy to trcm. ble. Por the moft part thcy·do not much mincl whert. they launce or pufh thcm; for therc is r10 time to take great Deliberation, but thcy ílrike at him as well as they can. But about th~ Head the Harpoon can do him no hurr, becaufe thc Fat is but very thi» there upon thc Bones, which the Whalcs know as wcll as we ; fo.¡ whcn they find thcmfelves · in dar.ger, fo th?..t they cannot efcape the Harpoon, thcy ·rather leave their Hcad than t;1eir Back unde , .tended, for there tite Harpoon breaks out cafier, and fo the Whale gets a-Way, like one that hath no mind to fight any Jonger. Thc Ufe of d1e Harpoon is, to tye, as it were, thc \\Thales with them, that they may not run away : It is íba. ped Jike an Atrow before, as ycu may fee at /: in the Tab. .Q.: lt hath two íl1ai'p Bcards, thcy are fharp at che edge, and have a broad Back, like unto a Hatchet that is íharp before and blunt bchind, or on the Back, fo that it may not cut with its Back, for elfo it would t ear out, and a11 your Labour would be lofr. Thc lron Handle is thicker behind than beforc, and ic is holtow, whereinto they put the Stick, a~ }'OH