An account of several late voyages and discoveries
156 7befottrth Paí·t of tbc Po)'agc The Wounds that are given unto thc fl'ha le by the Ha,·poons, into the fat, heal up again of thcir own accord, for the Salt-water cannot ilick on it. Many fo,h Fifbes are caught that J1avc bccn flruck by othcrs with a Harpoon, and are. hcal'd up again, and fo have whitc Scars. C l-1 A P. V. lI01v tlJeJ catcb the \Vhale. F frfi, it is to he obíerv'd, that when its Jike to be a good Ycar to catch l1-'h4Jes in, therc is many white·fi/b to be fcen beforc: But where wc foc many Seale.1, therc we do not expea to mcet with ma ny H 7 hales ; far thcy fay, that thcy cat up the Food of the l 1 Vhaf,,, whcrcforc the 1-Vhzles wi11 not ftay in fuch empcy places, but go to find out better, and fo come to Spit::.– hergep, for there, at the Shoar, we foe great plcnty of the fma11 Sea-fnails (you may fee them mark'd with e in the Tab. R.) and per– haps fome othcr fma,l Fifh. They are caught after the following manner: W nen d1t:y foe .1,,Vhales, or when they hear thcm b!ow or [pout, they caJl in to the Ship, Ji°AII, f,11 ; thcn cvcry Body mufr be ready to get inco tlw· boac that he doth belong to, comnwnly fix Mt::-í ¡;.~o into evcry Long-boat, and fometimes fo~·cn, according as the Long-boats are in bignef'>, tbcy all
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