An account of several late voyages and discoveries
2 Sir J ohn N 11rbrougb' s Porage with íl1ot, and pigs.of Lcad to make fhot, if occa. fton ; &c. And the B atel tlour Pink, burthen 70 Tuns, with four grcat O rdnance, and ali ocher Munition proportionubfe ; mann'd with ninctcen Mcn, onc Boy , viétuallcd for twe)ve months, at whole allówance of all provifion good ancl wholc. fome, as the Sweepj/ales had , and llores proporci– onable for thc time, and Craft. to takc fi1h and Fowl, &,. · Having a fort of Goods to fhc vafue of three hundred ·pG>unds .as followeth Knives Sif{ers.Glafl fes, Beat!s, Hatchets, Billr, Hoes, Nuils, Needlrs, Pi11s, 1'ipeJ . Bells , Boxes , &c. D.¡ffels Li1111en, Cloth, Q{enhigs 1ofacco~ and Pipes, &c. totrade with the Natives at hi~ Majcllfs ·c;:h;lrge. . Wednefday, Septem!Jer 2.. 9. Hazy \\'cather, the Wind to the North-\\efi and by Wcíl, a freíh g~le: I fiood to the S0t1th wcfh , ardas ncar as l could; t.his <lay at 1 2 a CJock the Liz.ard borc North 'Óf me a Jittle Eaflerly; diílance about ~ 2 Leagues, according to my account ; [a~itude by account;1s 49d. 3 5m. This day I f poke with a French Ban,cer. Lit.ard in Englan4 lics in the Lat. of 50 d. · 1 o m. 3nd in Longitu~e Eaíl:, from the M:eridian·of the Wcfr part of S. Michael, one of the Hlands of ~he Azores 18d. 30 m. From the Lh.ardI take my·~e: parture, and keep my daily account of the ditfe, rence of my Longitude frnm that Meridiart. OEloler 17. I m1dc the Mir.lera, which Iíland is high La nd an d irrcgLilar in Hills~ with Wood on thc top, a.nd clown thc fides ; plaritcd with Vines : there is fome )ugar made in the Ifland: the Inh:ibitants Port11z.uezes. The·City of Fonchia~ JS
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