An account of several late voyages and discoveries

I 54 The fourth 'Pttrt o/ the Poyage His Strength ma y be guefs'd by the Fifbcrmcn that catch with great Nets other FHhes, whcn they are going to draw their Nets towards the Land , what a great Strength rhey muft ufe, which is nothing at ali to be compared to bis Strength. The W/J~le doth fwim fometimes away with fome thoufand fathomsofRope-line, fwifter a great deal than a Ship can fail, or a Bird can Hy, fo that it makes their Heads gid– dy; yet a great Ship is too many for him, for although he fhould flrike againfr it with bis Tail, yet it doth him more hurt than he does the Ship. The f!fThales keep, in the Spring, W eftward from Spitzbergen, near old Gretnland, and thc Iíland of Jolm Majen; then they run Eaftwards to Spitzbergen: After them come the Finn._pfb, and chom there is no more U 1 hales fecn. lt is probable they go after a tolerable cold place ; for after thar, 1 bave feen Finn-fifb in the Spanifb Sea in the year.1671. in the Month of Decem– her, and in the Year 1672 in januArJ, and alfo aftcrwards in the year 1673. in the Straights of Gibr11/1er in March, and allo in the Mediterra- n':an. He fwims againíl: thc Wind , as ali other H'hales or great Fifh do. The Sworá.fi{b is bis mortal Enemy, he might rather be called Comb. f;/h, becaufe bis long Tooth is on each fide full of Teeth or Prickles, mofl likc a Comb. In our Homt:-Voyage to Hamburg l faw an Exam– ple of this Emnity of a North.caper Wha/e and a ~,vord-.ffb, near to Hitlanrl, thcy faught and firuck