An account of several late voyages and discoveries

( ·1 ) 1 _ _______.....__________ A JOURNAL KEPT BY Cáptain John Narh(!ró11gb, &ci M. AT 15.· 1669. This daybeingSatut.:. Jay, I reccived from the Ho~ourable Mr. Wren, Sccretáry to lus Roy3l Highnefs the óuke of Tork,my Com– riiiffion te Commánd bis Majefiy's Ship theS111eep:– flakes, the SJ1ip being ·~t Deptford 1 i~ the River df tbames ncar l...011don. · Sunday,Septernl;er 2.6. 1669. Set otit at his Má.:. jeíly'sproper Coft,oneófhis owri Shipsnam'd the Siveepflakes, Burthen 300Tuns,with 3 6 great Ord– ·nance, arid áll other Munition proportionablé ; maaned _with 80 Men arid Bóys, viétualled for fourteen Moriths, at whole allowance ofall Provi. fions both good and wholfome, having Oat meal fqr Fiíh, ánd foúr Tiuísand an half of Brandy irt lieu of Bccr,ftores ofall forts éomplea:t for r,,;el ve months, with provilion of Craft to rake Fifh and Fowls, á· Scync Net, and hooks and hnes, and fi{:. gigs, :ind harping lrons, twclve Fowling-pieces, 13 \Vitll