An account of several late voyages and discoveries
l THE NTRODUCTION. HE Ad'7!4nt4ges of keeping jt11l.itio1u anJ. ª"'"·ate jo11rnals i» //o;ages and ltimr.1.. ríes, 4Ye jo mil») ll1td grtttt, Ín the /111. rovement o/Geography, Hydogrnphy, Afiro.. omy, Natural aná Moral Hiitory, Amiqui– y, Trade, Empire, &,. that fim, Books can corn• Jre 1v1th thtm either for Projit or Plell{i1re~ Thcre• 'ore Ramuíio, the De Brys, Hal:kluit, Purchas, obn de Lact, Thevenoc, &,. have begtm "very (Jm111end.1b/e Defig11, and their WorJ:s ,in iike to/Je !wa)S t'.fafi,l• . 1'he l'olleélion nor, pNhlifb' d containing fome "'.. 1ous Poyages, Ami e:x4él 1011Ynals b,th to the outh A11á North, b9011á aná throu'!h tbe Ma.. cl1an Streights \ as A/jo to Greenland or Spits• crg,Nova. Zembla, And Gl'Oneland or Groyne– and; 'twill be neceff•r1 to premife · in general, h,t other Navi.gators h;ive gone bifore to th~/e arts, a11d. n 1 h11t Addit1011al /(pon•ledge may be e11p'd from the cnfuing W ork ; in doing of whi&h . •e fba!lobjtrvtOrder o¡ Place and Time. A Firfi
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