An account of several late voyages and discoveries
l.f ~ 1~he fourth P,u·t of tbc //<?J'·~~c which tWO are rcc~onccl ro come from yonn? \Vhales. In one. ot tn}'. <:utts herc you mar 1~~ thc Whale-bonc III thc l ab. .Q.markt:d with. 1. In the othcr Cutt, whcn.: hi!. Mouc his ílrnt \JI' you do not fcc thc \Vha lc-bonc. juft bctor~ 1 on thc upp~r Li p, is a cav ity or hole w hid1 Lli~ uppcr Lip fics cxaé.l:lr into, as a Kmfc incoa Shcath. Ido rcally bclicvc, thathe dr;iw.,the \Vater tha t he blowct~1 ~ut through rhic. hole, and fo I have bccn rnformcd alfo by ~fr1- mc11. Within his lvtomh is the Whak-bonr, ali hairy as a Hori"i:\ H;.1ir 1 as it is alfo in th~ !-im:. Jijb, and it hangs down from both fieles aj¡ abe, his Tonguc. The \Vhah.:-honc offomc \V:u. is fomcwhat hended Jikc unto a Cimctcr~ ¿,,: ochcrs like unto a half- Moon• .I'hc fina nen ,v hale -bon e is beforc, in b Mouth, ancl bt:hincl cowards bis Throot: ancl rhe m iddlcmoft is the grcatefl an<l longdt, i· ' is fomerimcs ab.:>ut two or rhrcc Men.,s knf~tii. from whcncl! you ma y ea fil y coaicaun: ho· targc thi:> Plfh mult be. On one fidc, aU i:, , 1 row, there is cwo hundrcd and fifcy p•cce'>. r.. \Vhale-bonc; and as many alfo on th\! o~lm fide, which inakcth fi\'c hundrcd in aH. a'.;;i there is more ovcr aml a bovc tbis numb:::·, lor rhey Jet che lcaft Whale-bonc of all rcmaw, be– <.'aufc they cannoc wcll l'.ome ar it to cur :. CH·t~ bccauf~ it Í\ vcry nar:·ow whcrc thc t\\ , L- ~i., n1';.!ct cogctht.:r. Th~ \\'h.,lc-honc ¡,. in a l_lJc row onc piecc hv th\;! 01:h..:r, fomcwhat b..:tdi.:-' within. anJ to\vards che Lipc; cvcry \\ !ic:rc _ii_l: a h,ilf-Moon. 11 ·
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