An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spicz!Jcrgen. 1 41 whcn it is opcned, ancl thc Fíngers are cxpan– dcd or fprcad, hetwccn chcfc Joyms thcre are fiitf Sincws, which fly up and rcbound again if you .fling them hard againft che Ground, as thc Sincws of great Fifh, as of a Scurgeon, or of fome four footcd .üeafis gencrally do. You may cut pieccs of thefe Sincws of thc bigncfs of your Hca<l, they ÍCJUeczc t0gcthcr whcu thrown on che Ground, and fo rcbound vcry high, and as fwift asan Arrow from thc String of a long Bow. The \Vhalc hath no other Finns but thcfc two whcrcwith he flecrs him– felf, as a Boat is rowc<l with two Oars. Their Tail dorh not Har.d up as the Tails of almoll any othcr Ptfh, bue it doth lyc l1orizon– tal, as thatofthc Finn~F,fh, Butskopj~ Doiphi11, and the likc, and it is th,:ce, threc aud an half, and four fathoms broad. The Head is the third part of thc Fifh, a nd fome have bígger Heads; on the upper and undcr Lip are íhorc Hairs bl!– fore. Thcir Lips are quite plain, fomewhat hended likc an S, and thc.:y end undcrneatl1 the Eyes beforc thc two liinns: Abovc thc up– permoft hended Lip he hath black Streaks, fome are darkifh brown, and thcy are crcokcd as thc Lips are. Thcir Lips are fmooth, ancl qmce black, round likc thc quarter of a Circlc; whcn thcy draw them togcthcr they lock in• to one anorhcr: \Yichin, on che uppermo:l Lip fo rhc Whale. bonc 1 of a brnwn, black ~ and ycllow colotlr, with firclks of fcvcral colcurs, as the Bones ot a F:r.n Fijh. The \V hale-bones of fome \V fui le~ ar\! bluc., and li;ht b:uc, whr..:h