An account of several late voyages and discoveries

tn Spit zbcrgen. J ; 9 dug out wirh Shovels. They devour of manv Whal1s al1 thc Fat underncath thc \Vater, and this is the reafon tba tthe Seamen far, T hq h, ear1<?,/JJ ha/f " l 0 JT!JAJe tb,tt ri·as . i\lld th,:; Bir.ds do help thcm alfo, and \\'laat is not tÁ·· kcn a way underncath, fermcnts out cf thc top. Thl!y havc a largc Livcr, whercof thcy rnake Oyl. Out of th~ir Uac:ks wc cut. thc Flcfh, wh:~h \ve hang up Jor fome dr.ys m rhe open Air, thcn wc boíl and man ir, and this tafres vcry \\·cll, whcn wc have nothing that is bcttcr. They donotflin~ a\\'ay thc .H:tys in Spai», but fdl Lhem: The littlc oncs are thc ben. They are vcry cager afler ~iª~,s Flcíl1, and eat many a ,\1a11 lh,1t goetli to tw1m or wafli in thc Se.a, wh~rl·ot wc havc many JoHanccs. They are cafily caught aitcr thc. foliow:ng manncr; w:.: 1 .... kl! a grcar Hock tafln~d to a Hrong f roa Chainthaitcd '\\"ith a picce ot Flcfl1.and kt 1t Ji.:inr; duwn 1uto tbc Sea; thc H.~y, as foon ns he dvth percd,·c it, foaps at it, ami is ca i:ch\l; out \.d1en thc H,1 p~1·éeivcs thac he is t:; íl, ht:: cloth ;;fo his urmofr c11dc2\·our to bi~;;: cff 1hc I-:cok 1 ,;"!.ich h~ cananot l'or che Ir011.