An account of several late voyages and discoveries

J 38 11,c /ourth p,zrt of tbe Voy(tge. VIII. Of the Hay. Therc a1·e feveral forts of them; thcy I1ave two Finos on thcir Backs, thc highefl- whereof is like to the uppermoft of thc Htitskopf; bm the lowcrmoft is of an equal breadth at che top and hottom, hut it is hollowed out Iikc a Sicklc: lle hath fix Finns underneath bis Bclly, where. of the forcmofr two are the longcfl, and fln pec like a Tongue, but the two middlcmolr are fomcwhat broadcr than thofe to~ards thc Tail 1 aod of che fame íhapc; thc two Jatt undcrncath by the Tail are of an cqual breadch from tnpto bottom, fomething fllorter than thc m1ttdle oncs. Thc Tail is of a peculiar íbape::, itkc un. ro one half part of that of che S,vt>rdJ,1h, but 1~ is f piit helow ; and the othcr part is hl<c a l.1:ai of á Lilly. He hatha longNofo. Th~~\"hde .Fifh is long, round ami thin, and he i~ rhil d~ rowards che Hcad: His Mouth is íhap'd as th.•t of the S1vord:fifb ; it is full of Iba rp Tct:I h,three 11p1ler and thrce und~r rows, on~ by thc mhcr Uis !~ves ttand fometniug more out bcfon~ dian bchinél, aticr the famc faíb:.:>11 as rhoft.: (Jf rh: Swnrdfijb, che}' are oblor.g, ancl vc1·y d.:.n-: Ik hath five Gills on cac.h fi<le, as thc ,'i: 1 '·"",¿·, 1 ;"h; his Skin is h:ird ;tnd thick, and rougit if J ... ,;: rouch it or flríkc it upwards; it is of a t~rc~ :!1~ ,.o!our; thcy are from onc füthom lnn;; . tJ thrc~ : It is a very dcvouring J~iih, aml ht~~) i•r<:at pi<:ccs f rom th<.: J,Vhaf,,, as if thcy bad b.:.. :1 ... du~