An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to Spiczbcrgcn. 117 thc cnc1. The knoh:; bctwccn t:.e Legs are foft to tite touch, likc thc Skin of an Egg. Their Legs are fea.ley, about ·threc fingers breadth bng, hroadcr at thc.:ir beg1nning, where thcy have knoh!>, and aftcrwards by dcgrccs thcy grow narrowcr. Hctween the Scalcs on both lides thr: Knobs come out commonly thrce or four togcther, and look likc \Varts. Whtn he fwims in thc \Vatcr he fprcads out thcfo Kuobs on cach fidc, jufl as a Bird doth his Fca– thers whcn it is going to fly. See Tab. P. at á. Of the Second Starfiíll. Bcfülcs this; anothcr fine Star.fiJL· camc to my Hands, \\.'h:ch rathcr ought to be callcd tht~ Ccr.1/p{b, bccaufo he is like Twigs of Coral, for which I rook th~m alfo, bcforc 1 pcrceivcd that l1c was ali ve. This is of a ;lrighter colour than thc othcr, for the othcr is dark red. Its Body hath ccn corncrs, and it hath a Star aho\'e with as many Rays; each of thcfo onc compare unto a Sail oithe Windmills that thc Childrcn run againft the Wind wirlul, orto a piccc of fuch Cro[cs that an: broa.el bcfore, and aarrm.v whcre they mcet togcther ;. that :s to fay, of~he fl1ape of a Dove-tail: lt tceleth rough: 1 he lower part of thc Body is very ncat; in thc m1dJle therc:,f is a Scar with íix points, which Itakc to b!.: liis Moutb: Abouc thc Mouth he is fofr, to thc place v1hcrc his Lcgs b~gin: fü:– twccn the beginning of his Lcgs be had fofr Cavitics. His Le~sarc where th•:v begin thit.:k, ~ - anrl
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