An account of several late voyages and discoveries
i 16 The fourth P ,trt of the Vo)',(~C SomeWhales are fuJJ of Licc, and ochcrs ha~e ncver a one: The warmerthc Weathcr is, the more Licc they gct, as I am inform'd. The Fi, gure that I give you he1·c I dcllncatcd in thcMl. jel.h.1ven, on the 7th of j«IJ. See Tab. ,Qat¿, V. Of the Starfifü. I have fccn but two forts of rhcfc in mv Voy, agc, the firft of them harh fivc Poims o~· Ra•;s likc Lcgs; it is quite otherwifc fhapcd thán thofo that I ha ve feen in the North,, and Mediterranean Seas. lt is of a 1·cd colour: Above upon the plain of its Body it hath fivc double rows of fharp knobs or grains; bctwi:cn r;ach of thcfc doublc rows is a fingle row of r:h::: fame knobs on the wholc plain, fo thar in ali th~re i1 1; rows of Jmohs on the wholc plain. Thcie 1 ~ rows togethcr make a Stéfr of fivc outward hended points. As for the refr, this Plain lookcth likc th: Back of a Spidcr, but if he is turncd he looketh neatly, and in this Poiture is feen in thc n,;dl!!ea Jivc-corne1·'d plain S:ar; which I take to b: ic1 Mouth, which he can open ami dra w rngcthcr like a Purfc. Round about tbis Srar are fr1a 1 l black Spots, in rows, of thc íhape ofa Scar. fo;. ther forwar<ls, abouc the middlc Srar or h¡s Mouth a broadcr one is, likc unto rhc i::Jowcr oi the Crowsfoot. From thc middlc Srar proceeds fivc Lcgs or ;\rms, which have no knob, wherc they begin, b~1t begin firn to havc fomi.: bchind the Flowcr l1kc Ihaped Star, 011 both fi<l::s ro th:
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