An account of several late voyages and discoveries

. to Spitzbergen. 1 ~ 5 .·~lmoft the íhape of an Acorn, is cut very dccp behind. It hath two Eycs, and but one No:.· ril. Thc Neck isnot madc of füff Scales, but ts Skin is likc tha t betwecn two 5cales or lates of a Lobtter. lt hath Cix Piares on thc ~·Back; thc foremoit of thcm is fhapcd like a ) Weavcr's Shutlc. The Tail .might be compa– '. red unto a Shicld, bue ir is vcry íhort. On the ''°foremofr Piare 1t hath Fcct fhapcd like a Sythe; :. ' ..thcy are round bcforc, and bent, like the firft , .o'~1arcer of thc Moon ; but on thc infide chey ._., are coothed likc a Sa\\~, amt a t the cnd therepf . .there is a füarp po:nt: On cach fidc of thc te– , ·'.:cond and thírd Plait grow out four Legs tbat ar~ · .)ti~ Oars ; they ha \.'e a lhort J oint below, wherc– . )n thi.:fe Oar:- are moved; thcfc they I,!y in a crofs onc over the orhcr, upon thcir Back, when ~tbey feed upon thc \Vhalc; or thcy put them ,.upwards togethcr, as thc Vaulters do when ., ,they jump ovcr SwOl'ds :. Thc fix bindmofi Lcg!i are hke thofi: of a C,a,vfifb; they havc thrcc joinrs on each Leg, the forcmoíl: whcrcof are · 'crookcd like a Half.moQn, but befare, or on ithcir euds they are very fllarp pointed, fo that ·.thcy can take firm hold as wcll of thc Skin of Mt:n as of chat of thc \Vhalc, fo that >'Oll muft cut them .in pieces heforc you can pull thcm from the Skin. He ,hat wid havc thcm alivl', . muJl cutthe Skin of rhc Whalc out witl1 them. Thl!} lit on ccrtain places of che \Vhalc's Bocly (Tis bc:wecn his Finm, on hi.'i 1'11(/m,{;1, and nn , bis Up~) whcre lu: cannot ca my ruh himfl!!t~ aud bue piccr~ llut <1f his ~kin~ ª" if t!1c Uirds ·nad c:i1t..n him. Somc