An account of several late voyages and discoveries
1 ~4 Tl,e fourtb Part of the VoJ,~c 111. Of the /effer Garnel or Shrimp. I have alío tal<en notice, in my Voyage tu Spit::..ber.<!,en, a fort of Shrimps that are like Worrns· the Hcad thcreof is like thc Hcad of a Fly. ¡¡' hath on che forcmofl pare of its Hcid t~Vj Horas fianding out; it hath Seales lil,e· the H~. Jor'.fe; its lhck is rouod, and broacl downwards· it hath 12 Lcgs; on each fide of the forcmofr Scale it hath thrce Legs; aftcr you havc to!i ·four Sca!cs more, there is on cach fo.le thm Lcgc; more; thcy a ic no biggcr than I hm drawn them.. The Birdscat thcm as their beft Food, bcing always in grcat numbers in thof: l) b ce!. w hcrc thcfc \V orms werc. I found great ph;nty of thcm in thc D•nifh Harhour, between ancl u11derncatb thc Stones iu thc Water; afw. warcb on thcEightb of J11(yI found thcmintr.e ..H11ffe/./Ja7,•en. I have alío found them in the ~J • Sced ot thc Whalcs that fwam upon the Water. See e iD thc T,ü.>. P . IV. Of tbe LoÜfo of' th~ H 1 h,i!:·. Thc H.' / ,:'.t Lo11/e bath no refcmblancc a[ aU to om· Licc, cxcept in thc Head, and thcrcfore it bdcngs rather to che Cruftact;OU'i ~lnim.1k 1 Tilcir Scale!i are a5 hud as thofo of the Prnwns. Tht>V havc a Hcad hk~ a Lou fe, with ·i í lcrn,; tlic t.""'º fhort l-:lorns that fhind out ht;lc:.•rc hm two knobs,11 keKct I f cd rum-fticks; the t".\'Q oth~7 bendc<l Horns ar~ 1harp bcfore. hs Hcad lm~ \ ., ,,.
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